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Endangered Creatures

Famous in Brazil as the
"Papagaio da Cara Roxa",
this red-tailed amazon parrot
is in danger
. Breeding them
in captivity has reduced their population

What are they like

These red-tailed parrots are only found around the tropical coastline of Brazil in the southern states of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. General plumage for this bird is green with forehead colorations of dull red. Its crown and nape are rose-red edged bluish-lilac. General coloration for these birds: chin and cheeks pinkish-blue; ear-coverts dull violet-blue; edge of wing red; secondaries green becoming dark blue towards tips; tail green with greenish-yellow tips; outer webs to outer tail-feathers blue; broad red band across tail; narrow periophthalmic ring grey; bill horn-coloured with grey tips; iris orange-red; feet grey. Young red-tailed parrots have less red foreheads and duller plumage. At full maturity they can reach up to 37 cm (14.5 inches).

What they eat and how they live

The main diet for the red-tailed parrot is fruits and flowers foraged in dense forest areas. They are usually found in pairs or flocks. Flocks grow larger in winter and can grow to up to 400. These birds can be found roosting on off-shore islands, and usually feed there from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. before flying to the mainland to other feeding places. They have been reported to return at 5:00 p.m to roosting trees where they can be very noisy as they compete for the best roosting perches. Breeding season is from September to February where they nest in woodpecker holes and hollows in tall trees, especially palms. The same nest site is used every year. Clutch size can be from 2 to 4 eggs. Fledging periods last from 50 to 55 days.

What is happening to their habitat

The red-tailed parrot is considered one of the most endangered Amazon parrots in the world. It is estimated that there are only 3000 to 4000 left in the wild

Every year thousands of birds are smuggled across borders packed in large quantities into containers too small to hold them. Many die painfully during the journey from hunger, thirst, broken limbs, or simply from fright. Nine out of every ten that are captured die before they reach their final destination or buyer. The loss of their habitat and difficulties encountered breeding them in captivity has reduced their population greatly.

Source: Endangered Creatures Website


plumage: feathers of birds (plumaje, plumas)
dull red: low-saturated red (color rojo apagado)
nape: the back side of the neck (nuca)
webs: membranes (membranas)
bill: horny projecting jaws of a bird (pico)
foraged: collected
(recogidas, encontradas)
flocks: groups of birds (bandadas)
roosting: sit on a branch (en las ramas de los árboles)
they have been reported to return... (Passive Voice) = scientists have reported (that) they return... (Active Voice)
(se ha informado que regresan)
perches: branches (ramas)
woodpecker holes: holes left by these birds (huecos
que dejan los pájaros carpinteros)
hollows: holes (agujeros)

palms: palm trees (palmeras)
size: number of birds at the same time (cantidad de polluelos)
periods: feather growing (periodos de desarrollo del plumaje)
in the wild: in freedom (en libertad)
smuggled: transported illegally (contrabandeados)
painfully: in pain, unpleasantly (sufriendo, con dolor)
hunger (noun) = hungry (adjective) (hambre, hambriento)
thirst (noun) = thirsty (adjective) (sed, sediento)
fright (noun) = frightened (adjective) (miedo, atemorizado)
nine out of every ten: (9 de cada 10)
encountered: found, met, come across (halladas