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Mario Quirce

Some tips you
should remember in
case of emergency

Reducing accidents in the home is a priority for most health services. Always put safety first: install smoke detectors in your home; make sure kitchen utensils and garden tools are out of reach of children; cook at the back of your stove and ensure pan handles are turned inwards where children cannot reach them.



Write down the number of the Emergency Services. Write down the phone number of your doctor. List the address of your nearest emergency centre. Keep this information by your telephone. Keep a first aid kit in the house. Make sure everyone in the family knows where the kit is stored. Include: scissors, tweezers, calamine lotion, bandages (gauze and adhesive), safety pins, surgical tape to keep dressings in place, an eye-pad and bandage and a large triangular bandage. You can buy a first aid kit at most chemists and good supermarkets.


You must treat a burn right away. Pour very cold water or cold milk on the burn for 15 minutes. If the burn still hurts, use more cold water. Do not use ice or ice water. Do not use grease or butter. Hold the burned area in milk for 15 minutes, or put milk in a towel or thick cloth and hold it firmly on the burn. If an infant or an elderly person is burned, go to the doctor with casualty at once.

It is important to keep a burn clean. Cover the burn with a clean gauze pad or a piece of clean cloth. Then, leave the burn alone for 24 hours. If there is a blister, do not burst it. You may remove the gauze and wash the burn gently with cold water. Keep the burn covered at all other times.


Stand behind the person who is choking. Put the thumb-side of your fist on the spot just above the navel and below the ribs. Grab the fist with your other hand and push up into the stomach. Use fast, hard pushes. Do this until the thing the person is choking on comes out. This is known as the “Heimlich Maneuver.”

If you do this several times and it does not help, call the emergency services immediately for further advice.

Source: New English Digest


smoke: suspended cloud after burning (de humo)
out of reach: inaccesibly located (fuera del alcance)
stove: cooker (cocina)
turned inwards: toward the interior (hacia adentro)
write down: put down in writing, copy (anota
, toma nota de)
by: aside, next to (junto a)
first aid kit: a set of bandages and medicines for giving first aid (botiquín de primeros auxilios)
scissors: cutters (tijeras)
tweezers: pincers (pinzas)
calamine: white mineral (
de calamina)
gauze: surgical dressing (gasa)
burn: an injury caused by exposure to fire (quemadura)
right away: immediately (sin demoras)
grease: lubricant (aceite, grasa, lubricante)

elderly person: aged person (anciano, persona anciana)
: person wounded (la víctima, el herido)
blister: an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid (ampolla)
choking: breathing with great difficulty (asfixiándose)
fist: a hand with the fingers clenched in the palm (puño)
navel: bellybutton (ombligo)
ribs: arches of bone (costillas)
grab: catch, seize (agarra
con fuerza)
is choking on: is troubling his/her breathing (con la que se está asfixiando)
comes out: leaves his mouth or throat (salga)
Heimlich Maneuver: an emergency procedure to help someone who is choking because food is lodged in the trach (designed by Dr. Henry Heimlich) (Maniobra Heimlich)
further: additional, more (adicional, extra)