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DayTimer Website

Checking for mail
high peak times?
Finding yourself on too
many mailing lists?


As more people get "on line", you realise that E-mail replaces faxes as the quick communication of choice. And best of all, it is cheaper than you think.

Nowadays you can send instant messages anywhere in the world and receive almost instant response. In addition, you can transfer documents and download files, which immediately surpasses faxing information that would then have to be recopied. And best of all, it is cheaper than you think.

Consultant Dorothee Watson from DayTimer Website offers you these timesaving tips:

1.  Learn the shortcuts.

Learn how to access your on-line service to retrieve and send mail in the quickest way. America On Line has "flash sessions", CompuServe has a "send/receive all mail" feature. These procedures will log on line to complete the task, then automatically disconnect when done. Try to read and compose mail off line, saving both money and time. 

2.  Check for mail during off-hours.

The circuits for the Internet are becoming more crowded everyday, and logging on during the busy day is harder. Make a habit of checking mail at low peak times (night, early morning). Not only will it be quicker, it will also save money during cheaper rates.  

3.  Learn Cyber Speak.

Learn the acronyms commonly used in E-mail correspondence. These little, often humorous, "symbols" will save time and liven your E-mail. Click HERE to check out an E-mail glossary with 100 examples to get you started!!

4.  Favorite places.

Most on-line services give you access to forums and the Internet. Since the sheer number of options is overwhelming, be sure to learn how to isolate your "favorite places". It will enable you to visit your most common destinations with easy, minimal steps.  

5.  Storage!!

Learn how to organize your E-mail by storing incoming and outgoing mail. Most services will provide a way for you to create a "file cabinet" and label different categories, just as you would with paper.  

6.  Edit and Paste.

When composing E-mail, you can use the edit and paste commands in windows just like you would in any word processing document. This is helpful when you want to repeat what the sender wrote before you answer, or when sending a similar E-mail to several people.  

7.  Hey Mister Postman.

If you handle large volumes of E-mail daily, consider getting one of the mail sorting programs available on the market.  

8.  Just say "NO".

Sad but true, mailing lists have invaded the world of E-mail too. If you find yourself on a mailing list that you have no interest being on, simply reply with an E-mail to the sender and write "unsubscribe" or "remove from list" into the comment or subject box. That should do it. But, please AVOID being aggressive in your answer.

Source: DayTimer Website


high peak times: a period of maximal use or demand or activity (horas pico o de mayor actividad)
: transfer a file to your computer (descargar)
to retrieve: to recover information (recuperar)
to log on: access, enter your computer a server 
(ingresar al servidor o proveedor)
to compose: to make a sketch of (hacer un borrador de)
off line: not connected (sin conectarte
harder: more difficult (más difícil, más complicado)

to liven: to make lively, animate (anima, dale vida a)
sheer number: absolute quantity (cantidad absoluta)
overwhelming: very strong and impressive (impresionante)
to isolate
: set part, keep apart (apartar, aislar, separar)
it will enable you = you will be able to (te permitirá)
by storing: by putting away in files (archivando)
to label: to assign a name (rotular
, denominar)
sender:someone who transmits a message (remitente)
mail sorting: mail classification (clasificación de correo)