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VOA - Voice of America

Elvis Presley:
Undisputed King
of Rock and Roll
(Part 2)



Elvis Presley was one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood for a number of years in the 1950s.  He acted in thirty-one movies.
highest paid: más cotizados, mejor pagados; acted: actuó, intervino.

In 1958, just as he finished making the movie “King Creole,” Elvis received notice that he had to serve in the United States Army. He was stationed in Germany where he lived in a large house and dated a lot of beautiful women.
just as: justo cuando; received: recibió; army: ejército; stationed: destinado a, acuartelado en; dated: se enamoró de, salía con.  

One young girl he met in Germany was Priscilla Beaulieu, the daughter of an Army officer.  She was fourteen years old.  Later, after Elvis had finished his army service, she came to live with him in Memphis. They married in 1967, when she was twenty-one years old.  He was thirty-two.  They became parents nine months later of a baby girl, Lisa Marie.
met: conoció; daughter: hija; married: se casaron; became parents: fueron padres; later: más tarde.

Colonel Parker made sure that songs Elvis had recorded earlier were released during the years he was in the army. So Elvis was just as popular after his military service as he was before it.
made sure: se aseguró; had recorded earlier: había grabado con anterioridad; released: se lanzaran.

Elvis Presley won three of the music industry’s highest award, the Grammy.  He received the first one in 1967.  It was for “How Great Thou Art,” an album of religious music.
won: ganó, obtuvo; award: premio; religious: religiosa.


Then sings my soul
My savior God to thee
How great thou art
How great thou art
Entonces mi alma
Mi Dios salvador te canta
Cuán grande eres
Cuán grande eres

Elvis returned to performing live shows in 1969, in Las Vegas, Nevada.  He then traveled around the country performing before huge crowds.  He began to take drugs to help him sleep.  He gained a lot of weight so he took drugs to help control his weight.  And he took extremely strong drugs to reduce pain.
live shows: espectáculos en vivo; before: delante de; huge crowds: enormes auditorios, grandes multitudes; began: comenzó; take drugs: consumir drogas; gained a lot of weight: aumentó demasiado de peso, engordó; pain: el dolor;

Elvis also suffered from the emotional sickness, depression.  It became worse after his marriage ended. Elvis never permitted Priscilla to stay with him in Las Vegas or travel with him around the country.
also suffered from: sufria también de; emotional sickness: depresión emocional; it became worse: esto empeoró; marriage: matrimonio.

He also did not want Priscilla to see other people when he was away from home.  And he spent time with other women.  Priscilla finally left him in 1972 for another man.
to see: viera (en este contexto); away from: fuera de; spent time: salía con; left him: lo dejó, lo abandonó.

Elvis Presley released many recordings of his performances during the 1970s.  He also enjoyed great success on television.  His 1973 television show from Hawaii was seen in forty countries by more than one thousand million people.
released: lanzó al mercado; performances: actuaciones, presentaciones; enjoyed: disfrutó de; success: éxito; was seen: fue visto; by more than: por más de.

His last record album was called “Moody Blue.”  He recorded it in 1976.  One of its hit songs was called “Way Down”:
was called: se llamaba; hit songs: canciones de mayor éxito.


Ooh, and I can feel it
Feel it, feel it, feel it
Way down where the music plays
Way down like a tidal wave
Way down where the fires blaze
Way down, down
Ah, y puedo sentirlo
Sentirlo, sentirlo, sentirlo
Hasta aquí donde suena la música
Hasta aquí como una ola gigante
Hasta aquí donde el fuego estalla
Hasta aquí, aquí


Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977.  First reports said he had a heart attack, but later tests showed many drugs in his body.  Experts agree that these drugs probably caused his death.
died: falleció, murió; reports: informes; heart attack: ataque cardíaco; showed: señalaron, indicaron; agree: coinciden en; probably: probablemente; death: muerte.

Hundreds of thousands of people still visit his home, Graceland, in Memphis every year.  Fans continue to buy his music, making him the most popular recording artist ever.  Elvis Presley remains the undisputed King of Rock and Roll.
still visit: todavía visitan; continue to buy: siguen comprando; ever: que haya existido; remains: permanece como; undisputed: indiscutible.


Are you lonesome tonight,
Do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry we drifted apart?
Does your memory stray
To a brighter sunny day
When I kissed you
And called you sweetheart?
Do the chairs in your parlor
Seem empty and bare?
Do you gaze at your doorstep
And picture me there?
Is your heart filled with pain?
Shall I come back again?
Tell me dear
Are you lonesome tonight?
¿Te sientes sola y triste esta noche?
¿Me extrañas esta noche?
¿Estás triste porque nos separamos?
¿Tu memoria se desvía
Hacia un día soleado y brillante
En el que te besé
Y te llamé cariño?
¿Las sillas de tu habitación
Están desnudas y vacías?
¿Miras hacia la puerta
Y me imaginas allí?
¿Está lleno tu corazón de dolor?
¿Debería regresar?
Dime cariño
¿Estás sola y triste esta noche?


This program was written by Nancy Steinbach.  Rich Kleinfeldt and Steve Ember were the narrators.  The producer was Paul Thompson.  I’m Faith Lapidus.  Listen again next week for another "People in America" program in VOA Special English.
written by: escrito por; narrators: narradores. producer: productor.



Source: VOA - Voice of America